Latin America – Word from CPAL: Amazonia, a joint MISSION

We share the Word of the CPAL for the month of April 2023, written by Fr. Rafael Garrido, S. J.

                                                                                 Amazonia, a joint MISSION

As part of the transition process of the change of president of the CPAL, we had a fruitful meeting in Lima, where we met with the dynamic team of SJPAM, its outgoing president and the newly appointed president of the Conference, with the five Provincials of the Pan-Amazonian territory (Bolivia, Brazil, Colombia, Ecuador, Peru and Venezuela), the Regional Superior of Guyana and the Delegate for the Amazon of Brazil.

Frank and serene dialogue marked the atmosphere of the day, in which we were able to share the process that has been developing throughout the work carried out in the Amazon region, especially the dynamics that began after the change of team and vision of the Pan-Amazonian Jesuit Service, and the challenges that arose at the Jesuit Preforum in Belem de Pará; after which the proposal to have a dynamic team to carry forward the commitments made and to generate a process towards the configuration of the SJPAM was put forward.

This dynamic team is composed of David Romero S.J. (BRA), Fabio Garbari S.J. (BOL), Joicy Falcao (BRA), José Romero (BRA); María Eugenia Carrizo (BOL), Silverio Perry (GUY) and Silvio Márquez S.J. (BRA).

The main fruits, marked by unity of spirit and apostolic esprit de corps, were expressed in the letter addressed by the five provincials and the two regional superiors to the whole body of the Society of Jesus in Latin America and the Caribbean.

From this letter I would like to highlight

- The focus on mission as a fundamental criterion for organising the government and the way to respond to the challenges, which has been key to the development of the proposal. Assuming the Amazon as a joint mission, wanting to configure a presence with a common horizon and committing to the elaboration of a Pan-Amazonian apostolic plan are the fruits of work and reflection that have been forged in the spirit of responding creatively and faithfully to the call that is made to us in the Pan-Amazon region.

- To have on the near horizon the proposal of a delegate of the CPAL to animate and promote the mission and the plan that we dream of is an element that challenges us in a new way and supposes audacity in the midst of the path of reorganisation and restructuring of provinces. The aim is to unite efforts, wills and vocations in order to carry out a generous service to the Society of Jesus, to the Church, to the Amazon and its peoples, and to the whole planet.

- An important aspect is the way in which these reflections and works are being carried out, as they are being carried out as an apostolic body, in collaboration and looking at the opportunities we have thanks to the possibilities of allying ourselves and working in a network. The participation of the apostolic body in the Amazon, the participation of provincial governments and regional superiors, the way we see and feel with the church and with society, all encourage us to recognise our weaknesses and the necessary coordination with all the actors who add capacities and resources to this mission of the Church.

Undoubtedly, all this requires great joint efforts and a change of mentalities and positions, but, above all, it requires an open spirit to discern and walk together in all the processes that emerge as Good News and Gift of God. Listening is the most highlighted value in all the meetings that have been held, and it is undoubtedly a great challenge to be able to assume it as a fundamental way for the development of any proposal, because together with the attitude of learning, it constitutes the key to be relevant and to build from the different spheres the presence and the mission of the Church.

aberes the presence and mission in the Amazon.

In addition, the novelty of what is being proposed in the way of organising the mission, makes us seek a healthy balance between the linking of the provinces and regions with the responsibility of the networks and the CPAL, since it is clear that we are not seeking at this time the formation of a new province, but rather a new way of conceiving the response to the call, to the mission that is entrusted to us as the Apostolic Body of the Society of Jesus.

I hope that St. Ignatius will continue to intercede for us so that with "courage and liberality" we may continue to walk together with great enthusiasm and commitment throughout this process.

Rafael Garrido, SJ

Word from the Spanish CPA - April23.pdf
Word of the CPAL Portuguese - April23.pdf

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Posted by SJES ROME - Communications Coordinator in GENERAL CURIA
The Communication Coordinator helps the SJE Secretariat to publish the news and views of the social justice and ecology mission of the Society of Jesus.

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