USA – Ignatian Solidarity Network Recognized by Duke University Divinity School

The Ignatian Solidarity Network has been recognized as a Traditioned Innovation Award winner by Duke University’s Divinity School Leadership and Education Initiative. The award recognizes initiatives and organizations that engage in experiments to transform communities by living out the convictions of an ancient faith in the current challenging circumstances. A panel of judges at Duke Divinity collects nominations and recommends award recipients. Each awardee organization receives a grant in the amount of $10,000.

“The Traditioned Innovation Award recognizes and affirms the faithful and innovative work of an outstanding community initiative rooted in Christian practices,” said Victoria White, Leadership Education’s managing director of grants. “This year the award focuses on catalytic organizations that are effective in their own community while also nurturing groups with similar vision for thriving communities. Their work creates a broad impact because they are committed to cultivating future faith-rooted leaders and creating interconnected networks for sharing resources and support. Focusing on the flourishing of others while also transforming their own communities, especially in this season of change and uncertainty, is work we want to affirm. Catalytic leaders are making thoughtful and strategic decisions to guide their institutions through uncertainty and often come out stronger on the other side.”

“For nearly 20 years the Ignatian Solidarity Network has been cultivating a community of people, particularly young people, inspired by their faith to build a more just world through collective action and advocacy,” said Christopher G. Kerr, executive director of the Ignatian Solidarity Network. “Beginning with the Ignatian Family Teach-In for Justice, ISN has developed in-person programming, digital resources, and a range of national campaigns that unite individuals and institutions in working for justice,” Kerr continued. “We are honored to be recognized by Duke Divinity as Traditioned Innovation Awardees and humbled by the efforts of our fellow honorees.

Other organizations being honored with the Traditioned Innovation Award are A Sanctified Art in Black Mountain, Nuns & Nones, and Oikos Institute for Social Impact.


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Posted by SJES ROME - Communications Coordinator in GENERAL CURIA
The Communication Coordinator helps the SJE Secretariat to publish the news and views of the social justice and ecology mission of the Society of Jesus.

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